Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thrift Store Thursday!

I found some super neato speedo stuff at the local Mahaska County Outreach the other day!  Thought you all might like to check out what I scored.... can you say "Shopping Spree"!!!!!  LOL...Always makes me chuckle... my spree cost me all of $5.00 - can you say Big Balla Spender!?!?!?

1.) this orangish/pink satin pillow for .50  - I have MAD plans for this bad boy...  a flower pillow in fact... In greys I hope.....  I need to see my fabric choices at WalMart... I would like to do a dark grey flower and light grey slipcover....  This pillow... with this fabric.. screams weird sexy 70's ~ick~  but for .50 it beats paying $7.00 for an actual pillow insert/form at WalMart.

2.) this mirrored tray for $1.99 - I think this will look awesome as a layer tray/item in displays or on my nightstand - now to keep it metallic "gold" or should I paint it another metal???  What do you think?  Gold, Silver, Copper?

3.) this heart pillow was also .50  - I would like to cut the word LOVE out of white felt and sew them onto this pillow....
4.) these seesucker pants for Finley for .50  - this spring the big thing is Stripes and Nautical.... these will fit in for sure!

 5.) this cute little white bunny will be the perfect addition to any spring décor for only $1.99  - this is FANTASTICALLY wonderous!!

6.) These leopard print clip on earrings were $1.00 - I have some plans for these, I am just sure of it... I just don't know what they are yet!  LOL
 They will be great embellishments somewhere along the way...  I am sure of it... just sure of it!

I think I found some really great bargins for very affordable prices.  The best thing about shopping at the Mahaska County Outreach... all the proceeds help and stay in Oskaloosa.  I love that they help the local community, while helping me with affordable items so I can repurpose items.
How about you guys?  Any of you have any fun finds from your local thrift stores?

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