Friday, February 7, 2014

Send me the Felt Flower Pillow that you Dream on....

A.) I love Dean Martin - If you didn't get the title of this post - google it, and for the love of all things holy... go download some of his dreamy crooner songs.... *sigh, he's seriously the dreamy-ist*

B.) I LOVE repurposing items... the thrill of the hunt when shopping for the perfect treasure to transform into something different...  the great bargin that I hope to get.... and the opportunity that I have to use my imagination to see something different... to take something normal and to transform it into something else...  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!

I visited our local Mahaska County Outreach and picked up this lovely  NOPE.... orange silky pillow.. Not going to lie... this guy will go with NOTHING in our house...  but for .50 I figured I could do something with it... or at least try... heck its only .50!

I went to WalMart and found a steal on some grey herringbone fabric for $1.50 a yard.  I purchased 4 yards of that gorgeousness... seriously... SICK and WICKED plans I have for this fabric. I also picked up some dark grey fleece - they didn't have any grey felt that I could buy individual pieces of.
I purchased a half yard of the dark grey for under $2.00
I have really enjoyed those felt flower pillows that I have seen in Home Goods for around $25.00 however... why spend $25.00 for one pillow... when I think I could make one for less?

 So I un-earthed my sewing machine, made a little slip cover for the pillow out of the herringbone material... P.S. this fabric is FABULOUS... seriously in LOOOOOOVE with it!

I almost cried when I thought about how many circles I was going to have to cut out for this pillow... 
I cut out a little template out of poster board, I traced a circle using our drinking glass.  I folded the material in half, and then cut little squares out of the material and then cut the circles out - hee hee... I was sneaky... I cut the # I needed... but in half the time!

See my cute stack of fabric circles.... so adorable!

I layed out the circles on the pillow - a dry run if you will...
And then I started gluing the circles to the pillow....
I glued the petals on the outside flat...
the closer I got to the center however I saw I was going to need to raise the petals as to get texture.

So I folded the circles in half... and then glued the bottom 1/8th and then folded the sides back out...

Then I layered the center petals and glued them down... I tried to ensure when layering the petals that they alternated their center...

I topped the flower off with a metallic button in the center.

Here's a view of the petals from a side....

On our sofa... just chillin...

And final... a couple staged photos at my office area in the living room. 


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