Thursday, February 27, 2014

Springfully Delightful Dining Decor

ok, ok, I get it Mother Nature... you are soooo not interested in allowing Spring to come to Iowa anytime soon...
My Hubby reminded me of the saying this morning... "In like a Lion out like a Lamb" .  *SIGH* & *eyerooooooooolllllll*

However.... I am rebelling against Mother Nature... and I am saying that Spring will be here before we know it... and darn-it... I am getting ready for it... because my soul needs for it to be spring...

To further the adventure in spring decorating.... I wanted to spruce up our dining room a little bit with some pops of spring colors and some pretty birdies...  I have another idea for décor for our front bay window---- however I need to be able to dig a tunnel to our garden shed first....  maybe in June...

Here is a layered nook in our dining room hutch that is sporting the Smothers Spring Colors. 
  • I purchased the frame from Michaels for $3.99 and then spray painted it. 
  • I had purchased the yellow, cream and grey pom poms at the Bible for Missions Thrift Store in Pella for maybe a dollar - that place seriously ROCKS!!!!!  I had the jar on hand, just put them inside.
  • Blue candle - had on hand, wrapped it with black gros grain ribbon and punched a bird out of the yellow chevron craft paper just like I did here when I made the building blocks for our entry way.
  • Grey Chevron print in the blue frame was found online - free download/printable.
  • A little greenery from IKEA and a white planter - calling this area = GOOOOOOOD!

A cute and simple print in the dining room compliments the birds and the color scheme.
I found a free grey chevron printable background online, enlarged it to fit a 11x17 paper.
The blue is actually a seperate saying I found online as well - it states

Nest:  (n) a place of retreat, rest or lodging.

Isnt that everyone's home in a nutshell?  I thought it was a perfect fit!

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