Monday, February 24, 2014

Scads of Topiaries are Springing up!!!!

Topiaries are a RAGE right now... probably because everyone and their dog is looking forward to spring (well prolly not our dog, he LOVES winter = he's crazy like that).  Nothing spruces up a room like a little green plant! 

I wanted to add a little touch of green to our living room in honor of  just begging spring to arrive... ASAP!!!!!  Momma needs some sunshine!!!!

On a recent visit to Michael's Craft Store in West Des Moines, I picked up a few items to whip an easy wishing in spring topiary.

Items Needed:

2 foam moss covered balls
Bamboo Skewer or wooden dowel
Terra Cotta Pot


Place 1 moss sphere into terra cotta pot - you can glue it if you would like for extra stability.
Dallop glue onto one end of skewer or dowel, place stick (glue side down) into moss sphere... let set up a bit.  I used Welder Adhesive - this glue tends to have a heavy duty grab to it once it sets.

Now that your skewer has set in the bottom ball, time to add the 2nd sphere...
Using the same technique above, dallop glue unto dowel/skewer (on the top) and push dowel into 2nd globe.  Hold until you get a good glue set.

Ta-Da!  Instant Spring!!!  YAY!
You can color the skewer with stain markers or paint it if you would like. 
At this time, I have not done this. 

Here this gorgeous guy is on our living room mantel...
How are you adding pops of spring to your home décor?

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