Friday, January 17, 2014

Valentine's Door Decor .... XOXO

a.) I love our lime green front door!
b.) I love this blue frame as a "wreath"
c.)I am just loving everything today!
I so much enjoy this tealy blue picture frame that I found at a local thrift store and painted up.  So much that I have pretty much found a way to use it every season this past year.. 2013 that is, as well as into 2014. 
You may remember my introduction to the front door a few posts ago...
as well as the posting with this frame...
Well... now its getting towards Valentine's Day, and what better way to greet guests then with a hug and a kiss? :) (tee hee... don't make me blush.... - dropping a little coy eye flutter here)
For this project I wanted to use foam core to make the letters dimensional... and because obviously I like to punish myself with an exacto knife  - OUCH!!!  I refrained from showing a photo of my owie... *sniff, sniff*
Supplies Needed:
Elmers Foam Core
Exacto Knife
Elmers Rubber Cement
Scrapbooking Paper - mine was 12x12
I designed the size of the letters with Word Art in Microsoft Word...printed...
I cut the letters out of the paper, using them as a pattern, traced them onto the foam core.
Now the real "Fun"  work begins...
Cut the letters out of the foam core... please be VERY carefully with the exacto knife

I used the same pattern to cut out the letters from the scrapbooking paper...
when they were cut out, I used Elmer's Rubber Cement to glue the paper to the foam core.

Once the glue had dried, I attached string to the back of the letters and tied them to the frame! 
Viola!  Instant door décor!

Hugs and Smooches to you all!  May you always be greeted with love everywhere you go!

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