Friday, March 21, 2014

Sweet Summer Sangria Recipe

A.) who loves WINE?  - I hear the echos of the answers! me!  me! 
B.) who loves a fun cocktail?  - again... the echoing of the me.. me... me...

Recently I had a group of lovely ladies over to our house for our monthly BUNKO/social time.  I LOVE to host parties and I LOVE this group of ladies!  I really wanted to find a good cocktail/drink for them to enjoy. 

Last summer I came up with a drink recipe for the local winery I work for, and we called it Sweet Summer Sangria, it is made with some great summer fruits, pink lemonade, lemon-lime soda and a wine by the name of Iowa LaCrescent.  The combonation is DELISH!!!!   So smooth and yummy, its a for sure winner recipe when you have some company coming over! 

Here's the pretty picture on the website, plus the link to the drink recipe amongst other recipes I have developed using our wines.  Feel free to try others out as well as this winner!

As you can see... this drink was a hit at a recent BUNKO that was held at our house! 
This was the 2nd pitcher that I made. 
Ingredients:1 12-oz can frozen pink lemonade
1 bottle Tassel Ridge 2012 Iowa LaCrescent
12 oz lemon lime soda
2 lemons, sliced
1 cup blueberries
1 cup raspberries
2 cups strawberries, quartered
Combine frozen lemonade and lemon lime soda in large pitcher and mix until lemonade is dissolved. Add Tassel Ridge 2012 Iowa LaCrescent, lemons, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries and stir gently. Refrigerate 12 to 24 hours or overnight to allow fruit flavors to blend with liquid. Makes 8 servings.

A few pictures of the ladies enjoying the evenings girly company, drinks and appetizers. 
What a great group of ladies I am lucky enough to have in my life!  Count me lucky!!!!!!

Happy Friday to you all out there as well!
I hope that you enjoy your days with your friends and family this weekend.
Are any of you planning on making any cocktails and sharing them with your friends? 

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