Thursday, March 13, 2014

How May I serve You? Service Tray put to good use

So remember when I purchased those 2 melamine plates from WalMart to make the stand for our dryer?  Weeeeeeelllll... I may have purchased the tray that matches as well....
I thought that it would help with the corraling of items....


I used Krylon Duo - Paint and Primer in One - In White. This stuff really works folks!  2 applications of this paint, and it covered the bright colorful stripes you see above.  The 2nd coat was just as a pre-caution and it worked like a charm!

Then I spray painted it with Krylon - Bright Idea which is a gorgeously fun daffodilly yellow.  Since we will be painting our laundry room a beautiful grey/blue color I really wanted to accent in yellows and whites, make the room super sunny and fun!

Simple, effective, and practical, all in one location!

I am really loving the tray, the tower and soap, all together.
Such a simple fix that makes an impact!

Have you been inspired this winter/spring to organize an area or room?
If so, what are you doing, would you like to share with the rest of us and empower us with your discoveries?

Have a great day!

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