Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cheesy Italian Pull Apart Bread Recipe

*********** HAPPY!!!! **************

I feel so happy to type the words cheesey and bread into the same sentence...
I don't know if its the carbs or the delish melty cheese that is doing it for me...
I'm just going to go with both...
A little secret of mine... I am not a lover of bread, I think its the yeast... but I LOVE artisan breads....weird I know

Anywho... I digress...

Easy recipe for entertaining need?  GOT IT!

-1 loaf of artisan or french loaf from your bakery
-Fresh herbs - grated
-Garlic Powder
(I totally cheated... I bought a loaf that had the garlic and herbs already on it! HA!)
-Olive Oil
-Grated Parmeasan Cheese - I can still say that right?  the European Cheese Congress hasn't banned the use of the word Parmeasan yet, right?

Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Slice loaf of bread almost thru the bottom
Pull slices slightly apart - making a "fan" on the cookie sheet.
Pour EVVO over slices of bread, slices do not need to be liberally covered or soaked, but do need some on each slice.
Stuff grated Parmeasan cheese in between each slice and then sprinkle remainder of cheese over the top. Bake in oven for 10-15 minutes, until your bread is the crusty-ness you would like. The cheese will be warm and melty. 
Slice thru the remainder of the loaf.                                                                                   
Serve warm to your guests.

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