Thursday, February 13, 2014

You're so Granola - A recipe for the hippy liberal middle class person that you are....

On today with Smothered and Covered...
(did anyone just feel like they were about to watch a daytime TV program?)
Good Morning Granola Recipe!
My hubby loves granola.
 Finley and I make this recipe for him every other week, as it lasts him 2 weeks. 
EASY! yes!
FAST! yes!
GOOD!  yes!
check, check and check!
According to the Urban Dictonary, Granola means: A person who dresses like a hippy, eats natural foods (granola), and is usually a Liberal, but in all other ways is a typical middle class white person, and is likely to revert back to being straight when they finish college.
Well... that might not be true for my husband... LOL...
4c quick rolled oats
1c melted peanut butter
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 peanuts or almonds
1/2 mini chocolate chips

Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt peanut butter in microwave (about 1 minute)
In large bowl, combine oats, honey, nuts, chocolate chips and raisins. 
Pour warm peanut butter over ingredients in the bowl. 
Mix all the ingredients together well.
Bake in a  9x13 pan for around 20 minutes or until granola is a toasty brown color. 

~ You will be able to smell the yummy chocolate and peanut butter when its close to being done ~

Here's an up close view of the tasty treat!
This makes a great treat for on the go family's.  Scoop some into baggies, seal them up and store in your pantry, makes for a great grab and go snack item!  PLUS... you know what is in it! 

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