Monday, February 3, 2014

Valentine, Whoooooooooo loves you? Me!

I was shopping at WalMart the other day in the craft section... I was actually looking for grey felt for another project... (didn't find that... ) but I sure did find something else... that is DOWNRIGHT adorable!   Love it when things just "happen" like that!!!!

Hello felt owl!!!!   ~lightbulb!~ ( if your kiddies love Despicable Me you will totally get that reference)  LOL - FREAKING ADORBS!!!!!

My daughter loves the knock knock joke:
Knock Knock.
Who's There?
Who Who?
What are you an owl? 

She walks away just laughing hysterically... I basically fell like the comedian of the year.... (is there a medal for that?)
Supplies needed for this uber cuteness....
1 felt owl
2 googly eyes
Elmers Craft & Hobby Glue
Poster Board
Black Paint Pen
Letters (I used the brand Stackers)
The how to steps are pretty easy...
Glue the googly eyes to the owl...

Sketch out a convo bubble out of poster board... My hubby is a talented artist... so he sketched up this little diddy for me while my sweet baby watched him.  She also wanted to color on the poster board when he was done LOL. 


I cut the convo bubble out, traced it with the black paint pen... and Finley helped me pick the letters out for the owl's utter cute lovebug question...

I glued the convo bubble to the owl using Elmer's Craft & Hobby glue - this is awesome glue for a permanent and quick setting glue.  With low fumes at that!  Double Whammy of wonderfulness!

After the glue set and dried, I placed this whimsical forest creature on our mantel!  He is seriously a handsome addition to our Valentine's Décor. 

I loved that my family all helped out with part of this project, so we all spent some time together.  I also love that we made another one (in lime green) for some dear friends, and Finley loved giving it to them for the Valentine's gift. 

What kind of cuteness are you adding to your home this month?



  1. That's so cute! It looks great on your mantel too :) Thanks so much for linking up at the MaMade Blog Hop! Don't forget to stop back again next week to link up and see if you were featured! Have a great weekend :)

  2. thanks Michelle! I appreciate your comment, see you next week - online :) Have a great day!
