Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Building Blocks for Spring Display

Do you have a décor item that you really enjoy, however it doesn't really fit with what you are looking for?
Well let me introduce you to my temporary fix... double sided Scotch tape and some craft paper! 

I purchased these building blocks a few years ago.  I love the color combo, however for this springs look, I am wanting more grey, yellow and teal then the other red and brown....  I would also like to incorporate a bird into this as well... what's a girl to do?   Besides I just want something for a temporary situation... I like the family blocks... I want to keep that forever and always!

Well... the solution's not gonna be to go buy this... so I better just WHIP it up...

Items Needed:
building blocks
12x12 craft paper
double sided tape
Paper cutter or scissors

I measured the blocks, roughly at first so I could get a loose measurement - I would rather it was bigger, and I can cut down if needed...
I chose 3 different colors and prints of paper... I am thinking of changing one of the cream ones to more of a teal/blue colored paper... 
I cut 6 3 3/4" squares with my small Creative Memories Paper Cutter...

and then added a few strips of the double sided Scotch tape and applied the paper to the block.  Easy switcheroo....
I also wanted to add in a bird aspect to these blocks... because well.. there is nothing more spring like the sound of singing birds... 
So I used my trusty Stampin Up bird punch, in alternating colors, black and then another in the yellow chevron paper that I used on one of the blocks.  To add some dimension, I switched the wings and the branch on the birds... I taped them onto the blocks and stacked them up in our entry way area. 
I think they are super cute!!! 
How about you?  Any particular item or animal that signifies spring for you? 

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