Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Toddler Tuesday! I Love you to Pieces! - Valentine's Day Craft

My sweet little miss LOVES to craft, cut stuff with her "safety" scissors -
I use the word "safety" loosely as she has cut holes in her shirts a couple of times.
 - just for the fun of it. 

and she loves glue sticks, glitter and my ever enlarging collection of scrapbooking paper... 

Hence this Valentine's Day craft came about -

I Love You to Pieces! 
Perfect for mailing to those grandparents to let them know they are loved :)

Supplies Needed:
scraps of craft paper
kids scissors
Elmer's glue
Construction Paper

Have your little one cut up pieces of scraps of paper. 
While they are cutting, write on the piece of construction paper -
"I Love You to Pieces!" and draw a heart on the paper
using Elmer's disappearing purple school glue, dap the scraps and place the small pieces into the heart

A great Valentine's Day craft that will let that someone's someone special know that they are loved!!!!

Any of you have a great craft that your toddlers are putting together for Valentine's Day or just a winter activity?

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