Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I "heart" Glitter!!!!!!

Glitter is my daughter's favorite color...
Anything with glitter... she loves it.... pink glitter shoes, glitter stickers, glitter dress up outfits, Elmer's glitter glue... you name it... she would love to have it...

It's even better if that glitter is pink...

Now... some of us have heard that glitter is the herpes of the craft world... you cannot get rid of it.. it does not go away... it just is always just hanging out there... loitering... waiting for some odd and random time to POP up...  like on your face... or on your clothes ( perhaps on your booty from sitting on it ) sometimes I have found some in my eyebrows and in the part of my hair... it's worrisome... but treatable.... again... a lot like herpes... 

Now that I have had shared my viewpoint on glitter... let's get back to my daughter's rainbows and unicorns viewpoint of it....  IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For Valentine's Day I put together fun display for our entryway... I made a few new items for this cove that will add some cutesy to the front door when guests come in...

- a new bunting/banner that spells out LOVE - more to come on that later....
- pink ribbon wrapped around candles on the blue candlesticks
 - canvas with pink glitter heart - that's what this diddy is about ...

blue spray paint or craft paint
painters tape
12x12 paper
spray Elmer's adhesive
craft glue

I taped off preppy stripes with the painters tape ... I used spray paint and then removed the tape... as you can see... it faded into the white... EK!  um... MUST FIX HENIOUS oooozing?...  bleeding?  both of these words just sound disgusting...
I cut a heart out of 12x12 scrapbooking paper... to the size I thought would be appropriately sized for the canvas - you can always make it bigger or smaller - whichever your preference may lean towards.
I sprayed the pink heart with Elmer's Spray Adhesive, and sprinkled pretty pink GLORIOUS GLITTER all over that bad boy.... and all over my carpet.... all over my clothes...er... I mean onto a scrap piece of paper and placed the excess back into the bottle.
waited for the adhesive to dry, shook off the extra glitter and then smacked that BA heart onto the painted canvas.... nope... back that truck up... remember how I had those smears of paint? 
Oh yeah... those...
so I raided my stash of ribbon pieces... and found pale pink ribbons that I glued to the canvas to add to the preppy stripes.  Thus covering/hiding my boo boos...
NOW.... I glued the glittered heart to the canvas and trimmed the pale pink ribbon and placed it in the entryway of LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE..... 
How about you?  Any crafts for the celebration of love? 


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