Thursday, April 18, 2013

Diaper Bag Frustrations - so much stuff... for one little person!

The Diaper Bag Dilema...  I need all this stuff...  just in case....

How does such a small person require so much stuff? 

How many of you have gotten to the resturant and realized... crap... I don't have a bib for the baby...  or perhaps you have one of those children who likes to snack, however you never seem to have the right snack...  pretty soon your carrying a mounting hiking backpack to every outing and you are having to schedule regular appointments with your chiropractor because the weight of the gosh darn this is out of control. 

The common question in mind keeps rising ....
"How does one little person require so much stuff?" 

So in order to tackle the clutter... and to ensure that my little one had all that she would need and then some... I decided to divide all the "goodies" into different sections.... hence the magic of diaper bag organization...

Materials that I purchased for this project:

4 Pencil Bags - Dollar Tree - $1.00 a piece

And here we go... how I organized my daughter's Diaper Bag....

First Bag O Goodies.... The Entertainment .... aka the toys...
Our daughter loves to have many different options to play with... so thank you to Dollar Tree for many of the items in this bag of fun....
  • Foam Stickers
  • Stickers
  • Scratch Paper & Crayons
  • Four Puzzles
  • Play-Do
  • Eric Carle lace up cards with 4 laces

Second Bag of goodies.... aka the snacks... or as they are called at our house "NACKS"

Again, we need alot of options... in hopes that we always have the right snack for the occasion..
Crackers, Fruit snacks, Fruit Leather, Applesauce on the Go and Gold Fish.  Sometimes I change out the fruit snacks for dried fruit - she loves dried apricots... I can't keep them in the house!
You will also see in the front pocket that we take along alot of hand-wipes.  - $1.00 for a large packet at the Dollar Tree.
Third Bag of fun.... the eatting utensils and bibs.... nothing fancy here... pretty explanitory..
We used bibsters and the silverware is also from The Dollar Tree.  The carrier came with them.  We have 2 sets that we trade out so we can wash the used ones. 
And the final bag of goodies.... the actual diapering stuff....

Diapers - 4 of them
Changing Pad
1 change of clothes/outfit
1 pair of socks
Diaper Cream
Lotion, and Hand Sanitizer
and a plastic sack for any accidents/messes
Finally, the stuffed - I mean  - organized Diaper Bag...
Hope these ideas inspire you.  Maybe you have ideas on other items that Mommys out there would benefit from...  What all do your kiddos need/want in their diaper bag?

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