Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweet Nothins'.... oh Sweet Nothins'...

Happy Valentines Day to you all!  Or as our daughter say "Happy Ballentine's Day!!!! 
My husband and I are working on staying on a budget so how do we celebrate and stay on budget?  I thought I would share some cute little sediments that I gave to Shawn this past week.  I gave him one gift a day this week....
For Monday - a honeycrisp apple - Your the Apple of my Eye!
For Tuesday - a fake toy sucker from The Dollar Tree - I'm a sucker for you!

For Wednesday - Air Heads from Casey's - You make me air headed!

Thursday - Crush soda from Smokey Row Coffee shop - I have a CRUSH on you!

For Valentine's gift exchange from Finley and I....Reeses Pieces - Daddy, we love you to pieces!

 I had alot of fun finding little items along the way that I could twist and tweak for Valentines gifts.  I hope that he liked the silly sweet nothins that I left for him every day.  I cannot express into words, there isnt enough hugs and kisses to let him know how much I appreciate him and all he does for our family.  He is a great daddy, a great husband, partner and best friend. 
Happy Valentine's to each and everyone of you lovebugs out there.  I hope that someone tells you today how special you are. 

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