Monday, March 26, 2012

April Showers bring May Flowers!

I found the cutest arrangement idea on the Better Homes and Gardens website ( for our front door.  I loved the fresh pinks and greens of their arrangements, and decided to put my own spin on it :) 

Supplies for the project:
Green Umbrella - Target $12.99
Silk Flowers - on hand
Letter "S" from Hobby Lobby - $1.99
Blue Paint for letter - on hand
yellow Ric Rac - on hand
Blue Ribbon - Walmart - $1.97

I opened up the umbrella, hung it on our command hook

Inserted the tallest flowers - french tulips and the yellow gladies for the height

added the painted letter "S" to the umbrella, I thought this could be for either Smothers or for Spring, whichever.  I tied this to the umbrella wire with the yellow ric rack I had on hand.
I also added some crumpled paper into the umbrella for a base for the next step.
I wrapped the pale blue ribbon and the ric rack around the umbrella and tied into a knot
I filled the remaining part of the umbrella in with the small flowers and grasses that I had on hand.  These are sitting on top of the crumpled paper base located inside the umbrella. 

Finished Product! 

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