Monday, March 26, 2012

Kitchen Art

After wrapping up our Kitchen Remodel project this winter, we had an open wall that needed something.... but what???

I have what I consider perhaps an Urban taste sprinkled with a little classic for a little concoction I call Classic Urban Decor.  I like to have items serve other purposes then perhaps what they were originally intended for.  For example... We currently have an avacado green ironing board as our coffee table in our living room... or small canoe paddles for our handrails going upstairs...  So when this wall opened up for some urban decoration.... what was a girl to do???? 

Bike Wheels... Bike Rims...  WHAT?????  HUH???? 

LOL, at Christmas we hung the Christmas Cards we recieved onto the spokes with clothes pins so everyone's card was on display.  My husband was great about attaching the wheels thru the middle of the hub with some MAJORLY long screws and then closing the hub up with the original hardware so that the wheel appears to be just suspended on the wall.   VERY NEAT EFFECT!

I found these wheels at the bike shop in Oskaloosa, IA.  I was charged $1.00 a piece for these beauties!  Can you believe how great they look!  This fills a wall with urban statement pieces... for a massive total of $3.00...  holy cats batman! 

April Showers bring May Flowers!

I found the cutest arrangement idea on the Better Homes and Gardens website ( for our front door.  I loved the fresh pinks and greens of their arrangements, and decided to put my own spin on it :) 

Supplies for the project:
Green Umbrella - Target $12.99
Silk Flowers - on hand
Letter "S" from Hobby Lobby - $1.99
Blue Paint for letter - on hand
yellow Ric Rac - on hand
Blue Ribbon - Walmart - $1.97

I opened up the umbrella, hung it on our command hook

Inserted the tallest flowers - french tulips and the yellow gladies for the height

added the painted letter "S" to the umbrella, I thought this could be for either Smothers or for Spring, whichever.  I tied this to the umbrella wire with the yellow ric rack I had on hand.
I also added some crumpled paper into the umbrella for a base for the next step.
I wrapped the pale blue ribbon and the ric rack around the umbrella and tied into a knot
I filled the remaining part of the umbrella in with the small flowers and grasses that I had on hand.  These are sitting on top of the crumpled paper base located inside the umbrella. 

Finished Product!