Monday, November 14, 2011

The Never-Ending Laundry Land.....

Once upon a time... there was a lady.... and she ran her washing machine every day of the week... thus running the dryer every day of the week.... therefore going thru massive amounts of laundry detergent.... dryer sheets....water and electricity (much to the delight of the city of Pella, who Jerry Sandusky's you at every chance they can on city utilities, you know what I mean...).  She would collect clothes from all corners of her house, haul countless loads of dirty clothes to the laundry room, sort, wash, dry, fold, and place all the families clothes into baskets to be put away.... but not until the dreaded ironing was completed.  Now the lady of the house hating ironing so much that on certain occasions she rewarded herself for completing the ironing task with a nice glass of soda and something extra.  All items that required ironing recieved the attention that they need, on a very inconsistant basis.  After the muttering and the under the breath comments about the so-and -so clothing was ironed then clothes were put away in their proper places.  Now it needs to be mentioned that the lady of the house had a mild case of OCD and therefore all steps in completing the never ending laundry had to be completed in the process that her fantastical mind had made clothing cannot be put away in their proper places before all laundry was washed, dried, folded and then ironed.  THEREFORE.... there is ALWAYS laundry everywhere and thus is the vicious cycle of the never-ending laundry.... 

(I cannot say the end.... as there never is an end....)

Once upon a time... there was a lady.... and she ran her washing machine every day of the week...

The moral of the story - I am thankful for piles of dirty laundry, it means I have family surrounding me!

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